Town of Dell Prairie
The next meeting of the Dell Prairie Town Board will be Tuesday, March 12th, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. The agenda is as follows:
- Call meeting to order and certify compliance with open meeting requirements
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approve the minutes from the previous Town Board Meeting
- Treasurer’s Financial Report
- Clerk’s Monthly Report
- Approve payment of bills presented
- County Supervisor Reports
Town Business – Discussion and possible action on the following:
- Delmore Consultants, LLC, presentation of road-related services the company offers townships.
- 6-20 foot culvert and small bridge identification requirements for all townships.
- Rich Christensen of Christensen Trust, tax parcel 008-00982-0000 requesting to rezone only 5 acres of the 30 acre parcel currently zoned A1(15) to A3, to allow for a single family residence and to comply with Adams County Planning and Zoning Ordinance.
- Rio Rancho Properties, LLC, property owner of tax parcel 008-00099-0000, requesting to rezone the entire 73.3 acre parcel from A1(35) to A1 (15), to allow for the creation of four 18.325 acre parcels and to comply with Adams County Planning and Zoning Ordinance.
- Schedule road tour meeting for the board members.
- River Road construction project update.
- Adjournment
Joni Gehrke, Clerk