Town Board Meeting Agenda

Town of Dell Prairie
The next meeting of the Dell Prairie Town Board will be Tuesday, May 14th, 2024
at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. The agenda is as follows:
1. Call meeting to order and certify compliance with open meeting 
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve the minutes from the previous Town Board Meeting
4. Treasurer’s Financial Report
5. Clerk’s Monthly Report
6. Approve payment of bills presented
7. County Supervisor Reports
Town Business – Discussion and possible action on the following:
A. Amy Penn, Wildland Urban Interface Specialist, Division of Forestry, 
Department of Natural Resources, along with members of the 
Kilbourne Fire Department, doing a presentation on wild fire planning 
in our area.
B. Opening of road work bids received.
C. Fawn Creek Winery, LLC, 3619 13th Avenue, tax parcel number 008-
00160-0000, requesting a rezone approval for the entire 35.42 acres 
from A1(35) to Planned Residential, to conform with the Adams 
County Planning and Zoning Ordinance. 
D. Fawn Creek Winery, LLC, 3619 13th Avenue, tax parcel number 008-
00160-0000, requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow 
for the creation of 30 campsites on the property.
E. Resolution 01-2024 for the Clerk to be a member of the Board of 
F. Open Book and Board of Review dates.
G. Parking lot resurfacing discussion.
 8. Adjournment
Joni Gehrke, Clerk