Town Board Meeting Agenda

Town of Dell Prairie


The next meeting of the Dell Prairie Town Board will be Tuesday, May 9h, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall.  The agenda is as follows:


  1. Call meeting to order and certify compliance with open meeting requirement
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approve the minutes from the previous Town Board Meeting
  4. Treasurer’s Financial Report
  5. Clerk’s Monthly Report
  6. Approve payment of bills presented.
  7. County Supervisor Reports
  8. ATV/UTV Report


Town Business – Discussion and possible action on the following:

  1. Opening of seal coat bids.
  2. Town hall improvements.
  3. Operator’s License approvals for Spencer Garbacz and Adam Huff.
  4. Monster Truck Entertainment, LLC requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow monster truck rides on the 5.5 acre parcel located at 4158 Hwy 13.


  1. Adjournment


Joni Gehrke, Clerk